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ভূমি উন্নয়ন কর ও বিভিন্ন ফি
bhūmi unnaẏana kara ō bibhinna phi

kramika naṁ

sēbāra nāma

sēbā pradānēra samaẏasīmā

sēbā pradānēra pad'dhati

sēbā pradānēra sthāna


bhūmi unnaẏana kara (kr̥ṣi ō akr̥ṣi) ādāẏa

01 julā'i hatē 30 juna (ēka ārthika bachara)

sarakāra kartr̥ka nirdhārita nītimālā anusārē.

I'uniẏana bhūmi aphisa



pērī-phērī bhukta bājārēra asthāẏī ēkasanā līja nabāẏana.

Anudhrdha 15 dina

prakr̥ta byabasāẏī ṭrēḍa lā'isēnsa thākatē habē. Nītimālā anuyāẏī prastāba upajēlā nirbāhī aphisārēra mādhyamē jēlā praśāsakēra kāryālaẏē prēraṇa karā haẏa. I'uniẏana bhumi aphisēra pratibēdanēra ālōkē lījēra śartabhaṅga nā karalēsarakāra katr̥ka nirdhārita hārē lījamāni grahaṇapurbaka nabāẏana karā haẏa ēbaṁ ḍisi'āra pradāna karā haẏa.

I'uniẏana bhumi aphisa

upajēlā bhumi aphisa


arpita sampattira nabāẏana

anudhrdha 15 dina

i'uniẏana bhumi aphisēra pratibēdanēra bhittitē lījēra śartabhaṅga nā karalē sarakārī nītimālāra ālōkē lījamāni grahaṇapurbaka nabāẏana karā haẏa ēbaṁ ḍisi'āra pradāna karā haẏa.

I'uniẏana bhumi aphisa

upajēlā bhumi aphisa

C:UsersMDANOW~1AppDataLocalTempmsohtml1 1clip_image001 mi'uṭēśana(nāmajārī) jamā bhāga'ō jamā ēkatrikaraṇa saṅkrānta niẏamābalī:

Mi'uṭēśanēra jan'ya sahakārī kamiśanāra (bhumi) barābara darakhāsta dākhila karatē habē.

Mi'uṭēśanēra ābēdanēra sāthē nimna barṇita kāgajapatra dākhila karatē habē.

(Ka) prayōjya kṣētrē:1. Kraẏa ō praẏōjanīẏa bāẏā dalilēra kapi 2. Ōẏārēśa sanadapatra 3. Hēbā dalilēra kapi ēbaṁ sakala rēkarḍa bā parcā khatiẏānēra sārṭi phā'iḍa kapi. 4. Sarbaśēṣa jaripēra para thēkē bāẏā/piṭa dalilēra sārṭi phā'iḍa kapi. 5. Bhumi unnaẏana kara pariśōdhēra dākhilā. 6. Taphasila barṇita cauhaddisaha kalami nakaśā 1 kapi.

(Kha) mi'uṭēśanēra kharaca:

(I.) Ābēdana bābada kōrṭa phi = 5/- (pāca ṭākā)

(ii.) Nōṭiśa jārī phi = 2/-(du'i ṭākā) anadhika 4 janēra jan'ya. 4 Janēra adhika pratijanēra jan'ya ārō 0.50 Ṭākā hisābē ādāẏa karā habē.

(Iii.) Rēkarḍa sanśōdhana phi =200/- (du'iśata) ṭākā.

(Iv.) Prati kapi mi'uṭēśana khatiẏāna phi =43/- (tētālliśa) ṭākā.

Sarbamōṭa= 250/- (du'iśata pa ncāśa) ṭākā + 4 janēra adhikahalē nōṭiśa jārī phi pratijanēra jan'ya ārō 0.50 Ṭākā hisābē ādāẏa karā habē.

C:UsersMDANOW~1AppDataLocalTempmsohtml1 1clip_image002 bi:Dra:Darakhāsta jamā dē'ōẏāra dina thēkē 45 dinēra madhyē mi'uṭēśana kēsa nispati nā halē ēbaṁ ullēkhita kharacēra atirikta phi kē'u dābī karalē sahakārī kamiśanāra (bhumi)/upajēlā nirbāhī aphisāra/ rēbhini'u ḍēpuṭi kālēkṭara/atirikta jēlā praśāsaka (rājasba) athabā jēlā praśāsakēra sāthē yōgāyōga karuna.

Bhumi unnaẏana karēra dābī nirdhārana:

I'uniẏana bhumi aphisa mirjāpura

C:UsersMDANOW~1AppDataLocalTempmsohtml1 1clip_image003bigata artha bacharēra dābī

bakēẏā hāla mōṭa

bigata artha bacharēra ādāẏa

bigata artha bacharē ādāẏēra


bartamāna artha bacharēra dābī

dābī br̥d'dhi(ṭākāẏa)

dābī br̥d'dhira hāra



1,45,950/- 74,150 2,20,100




81,384/- 27,438 1,08,822




2,27,334 1,01,588 3,28,922



Janadurbhōga lāghaba ō sēbāra māna unnaẏanē gr̥hita biśēṣa udyōga: Sahakārī kamiśanāra (bhumi) ēra nikaṭa sarāsari sbākṣātēra mādhyēmē yē kōna abhiyōga/ābēdana tāṯkṣanika bhābē nispattira byabasthā nē'ōẏā haẏēchē.

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kēndrīẏa i-sēbā

analā'inē sēbāra ābēdana
praẏōjanīẏa ēpasa
janma ō mr̥tyu nibandhana
uttarādhikāra kyālakulēṭara
analā'ina puliśa kliẏārēnsa
analā'inē pāsapōrṭēra ābēdana
jātīẏa paricaẏapatrēra tathya hālanāgādakaraṇa
analā'ina cālāna yācā'ikaraṇa
analā'ina āẏakara pariśōdha
bhisā yācā'i
i cālāna
abhigamya abhidhāna

jēlā i-sēbā kēndra

nakalēra jan'ya ābēdana

ābhyantarīṇa i-sēbā

skula kalējēra tālikā
mantraṇālaẏa ō bibhāga samūha

inōbhēśana karnāra
āpanāra matāmata
sāmājika yōgāyōga mādhyama
Land development tax and various fees

        serial number

        Service name

Service timing

The way to provide services

Service place


Recovery of land development tax (agriculture and non-agricultural)

01 July to 30 June (one financial year)

According to the policy set by the government.

Union Land Office



Renewable Temporary Lease Renewal of Parry-Ferry Market

Half an hour

Must be a real business dealer license. According to the policy, the proposal was sent to the Deputy Commissioner's Office through Upazila Nirbahi Officer. In the light of the report of the union land office, the lease was not renewed on lease basis by the government, and DCR was provided.

Union Land Offices


Upazila Land Office


Renewal of Vested Property

Half an hour

On the basis of the report of the union land office, lease was renewed in the light of the government policy and DCR was given without leasing the lease.

Union Land Offices


Upazila Land Office


C: UsersMDANOW ~ 1AppDataLocalTempmsohtml1 1clip_image001 Mutation (numerical) submission share also submitted submission rules:


  Application for mutation will be submitted along with Assistant Commissioner (Land).

  The following documents should be submitted with mutation application.


(A) Applicable cases: 1. 2 copies of purchase documents and necessary documents Warts Certificate 3 The copy of the Heavy Documents and all the records or the Verdict copy of the Verdict FIDE copy. 4. After the latest survey, the Surrey FIDE copy of the Bia / Pitt document. 5. Land Reform Repayment 6. Column design 1 copies with details of the schedules.


   (B) Mutation charges:


(i) Application fee for the application fee = 5 / - (Rupees Five)

      (ii) Notice issued fee = 2 / - (two taka) for not more than 4 people. For more than 4 people, more than Tk 0.50 will be collected.

      (iii) Record revision fee = 200 / - (two hundred) taka

      (iv.) Copy of mutation fee per copy = 43 / - (thirty-three).

 Total = 250 / - (two hundred and fifty) Taka + 4 people will be charged more than Tk 0.50 for each fee for issuing notice.


C: UsersMDANOW ~ 1AppDataLocalTempmsohtml1-11clip_image002B: If the mutation case is not disposed of within 45 days from the date of submission of application and if no one claims additional fee for the mentioned expenditure, then the Assistant Commissioner (Land) / Upazila Nirbahi Officer / Revenue Deputy Collector / Additional Deputy Commissioner Revenue) or contact the Deputy Commissioner.


                                                                   Demand for land development tax:



Union Land Office Mirzapur

C: UsersMDANOW ~ 1AppDataLocalTempmsohtml1 1clip_image003 Last year's demand



Owing to the total

Recovering past year

Earning the last year of the year


Current money year demand

Increase of claim (in money)

The rate of increase in claims



1,45,950 / - 74,150,220,100








81,384 / - 27,438 1,08,822








2,27,334 1,01,588 3,28,922








   Special initiative taken to improve the quality of public services and to improve the quality of services: Any complaint / application has been taken immediately by the direct contact of Assistant Commissioner (Land).

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